Victor and Kooch Daniels are available to present talks or workshops on the following topics: 

Divinational tarot reading, including card meanings, spreads, and dimensions and details of readings. This encompasses personal and relationship exploration for yourself, and working with querents in brief or extended readings.

Professional training in the use of tarot and additional imagery in gestalt therapy and other forms of psychotherapy, counseling, social work, personal coaching, and other human services settings.

Talks and workshops are available in English, Spanish or both. Talks may also be in German or French. We present in any language or cultural context if translation is provided. Small group facilitation that involves imagery work is offered as well. To ask about availability and details, contact us using the contact form linked to at the top of this site. 

The Authors

Kooch N. Daniels has given many thousands of readings for private clients and corporate events.  For some time she hosted the Tarot radio program Kozmik Koffee With Kooch, doing interviews with many remarkable people. Besides authoring several Tarot books, she does all kinds of readings, from in-depth sessions with querents who have been seeing her for years to one-card, three-minute readings when the occasion calls for it. She has been a keynote speaker at the Reader’s Studio Tarot Conference in New York City, and also at the Reader’s Studio Tarot and Psychology Conference that often precedes it. She also has presented at such venues as the Bay Area Tarot Symposium (BATS), the Northwest Tarot Symposium, International Gestalt conferences, college classrooms, and many other venues. Her business world clients include many Fortune 500 companies, especially high-tech firms in the San Francisco Bay region, and numerous wineries in the greater Bay Area.

See Kooch’s  Amazon Author’s Page

Find out what else she does by visiting her personal web page 

Victor Daniels  spent four decades as a professor of psychology at Sonoma State University, where he also served as psychology department chair,  director of the India Studies program, and now is Emeritus Professor.  He has been doing tarot readings for 25 years. Together with Kooch, he has been a keynote speaker at the Readers Studio conference and Readers Studio Tarot and Psychology conferences in New York and has also presented at other tarot conferences.  He has been a gestalt therapy trainer for more than three decades and has regularly given talks and presented workshops at gestalt therapy conferences and institutes in English and Spanish in the U.S., Canada, Latin America and Europe.  He holds a Ph.D. in psychology from UCLA, and has collaborated with Kooch in developing the methods presented in this book and in writing it.

See the scope of his interests by visiting his web page